
Plates No Importers

A plate build. It is very crowded, but still effective. It will suck up A TON of your substance, so be careful when using it. It’s also rather… unstable. It may take several load/reload attempts for max production.

Plates with Importers

Uses importers but is self-sustained **Size:**12x12 **Material:**Substance **Rate:**117.62 **Material:**Iron Plates **Rate:**58.81 **Reliability:**Stable

Raw Material

This build works for any raw material, with the exception of steel (for obvious reasons). If you’re in need of coal/carbon/silicon/copper for any reason, just use this build. Be sure to change the synths to what you want too.

Raw Materials Beginner Friendly

A very simple build for beginners. Costs 6750 credits to make from scratch **Size:**8x5 **Material:**Substance **Rate:**50 **Material:**Basic **Rate:**50 **Reliability:**Stable

Raw Materials Experimental

This is an Experimental Build which provides the highest materials/synth at the given moment in time. We currently do not have a way to fit 5 of these into a 12x12.