Sandship Theorycraft

Collecting data and designing the most efficient builds in Sandship


The compendium is split into several different “sections” based on the base resource of each build. Recycler, Underwell and “everything” builds will get their own section. Each section will consist of the following:

  1. A general overview to the resource and its use

  2. The end product of the resource

    1. Best build no importers for the end product
    2. Best build with importers for the end product
    3. Best build for newer players (wip right now)
    4. Best build that doesn’t fit in a 12x12 micro factory
  3. Other builds and points of interests,

Note that step 2 will be repeated for all end products, every single one of them! This will make the list pretty long, so I recommend using the table of contents.

I also want to say thank you to the theorycrafting sub-discord for helping me make this, along with all the awesome people who made these builds. Also the Rockbite cause they made this fun game

Also, if you (yes, you the reader) have a terrific design that is better than the ones listed, please dm me a picture of them, along with some stability info. (My discord username is SharkyTheWhale#0073)



Ammunition No Importers

To anyone who’s actually played the game, yes the ammo section is a bit of a joke. There is NO PURPOSE to ammo right now, it can only be used in the underwell but it must be made there, making factory-made ammunition worthless.

Ammunition With Importers

A self contained ammunition creating build. ”Fast” and “Slow” refers to the grabbers used

Circuits No Importers

2.66 circuits. Self contained, no importers. Probably lots of room for improvement too. But that’s the best I’ve come up with for now. Also uses only normal grabbers. **Size:**12x12 **Material:**Substance

Circuits with Importers

**Size:**12x12 **Material:**Iron Plates **Rate:**21.82 **Material:**Copper Wire **Rate:**21.82 **Material:**Circuits **Rate:**10.92 **Reliability:**Stable

Extruding No Importers

An extruding build. Depending on the input resource, different outputs will be achieved. If you want to make springs, swap Synths with importers. Import raw steel (A LOT OF THE STUFF).

Gearbox with Importers

**Size:**12x12 **Material:**Substance **Rate:**20.0 **Material:**Iron Bolts **Rate:**5.0 **Material:**Iron Plates **Rate:**10.0 **Material:**Steel Plates **Rate:**3.75 **Material:**Gearbox **Rate:**2.5 **Material:**Iron Plates **Rate:**10.0 **Material:**Iron Bolts **Rate:**5.0 **Reliability:**Stable

Glass No Importers

Filler cause good ol sharky isn’t making commentary for something that’s gonna be relevant for literally 6 hours

Glass Spheres No importers

A build for glass spheres. Starts with 5 synths at the bottom, with grabbers+splitter trick being used to collect a lot of silicon. It is refined once through a heater into glass, again through a blower for glass tubes and a final time for glass spheres, it is then exported.

Glass tubes - No importers

A build for glass tubes. Pretty standard stuff, but does use fast tech. Should in theory work with normal tech

Iron Bolts No Importers

Iron bolts build. **Size:**12x12 **Material:**Substance **Rate:**47 **Material:**Iron Bolt **Rate:**23.33 **Reliability:**Stable

Iron Powder No Importers

An Iron powder build. Usage is questionable as powder aren’t fully implemented as of right now. In the future We’re sure we can make a better build. **Size:**12x12 **Material:**Substance **Rate:**86.27

Plates No Importers

A plate build. It is very crowded, but still effective. It will suck up A TON of your substance, so be careful when using it. It’s also rather… unstable. It may take several load/reload attempts for max production.

Plates with Importers

Uses importers but is self-sustained **Size:**12x12 **Material:**Substance **Rate:**117.62 **Material:**Iron Plates **Rate:**58.81 **Reliability:**Stable


This is self-sustained but does use importers **Size:**12x12 **Material:**Substance **Rate:**125.1 **Material:**Powder **Rate:**41.63 **Iron:**10.13 **Reliability:**Stable

Raw Material

This build works for any raw material, with the exception of steel (for obvious reasons). If you’re in need of coal/carbon/silicon/copper for any reason, just use this build. Be sure to change the synths to what you want too.

Raw Materials Beginner Friendly

A very simple build for beginners. Costs 6750 credits to make from scratch **Size:**8x5 **Material:**Substance **Rate:**50 **Material:**Basic **Rate:**50 **Reliability:**Stable

Raw Materials Experimental

This is an Experimental Build which provides the highest materials/synth at the given moment in time. We currently do not have a way to fit 5 of these into a 12x12.

Raw Steel Max

The most steel we can get out of one factory right now. Is probably very unstable. Does not fit in 12x12 so usage is questionable. **Size:**16x12 **Material:**Substance **Rate:**68.85 **Material:**Steel **Rate:**22.66

Raw Steel No Importers

This is a build for a microfactory to produce steel. The steel can only be processed in a different building due to size constraints. **Size:**12x12 **Material:**Substance Rate:70.56 **Material:**Steel **Rate:**23.48 **Reliability:**Moderately Stable

Raw Steel With Importers

As of the time of posting, one of the most compact 22.5/s steel builds yet. For some odd reason, the bottom three rows somehow stabilize the build. They also offer steel rod/plate/shaper recipe generation utilizing only 20/s of steel, which, in theory should be the most efficient way to make steel rod/plate/shaper recipe for now.

Recycling for Credit

A recycler made specifically for credits. Use sulphur in the synthesizers. **Size:**12x12 **Material:**Substance **Rate:**103.31 **Material:**Credit **Rate:**33.05 **Reliability:**Stable

Recycling for Disposal

A recycling build. It may not be the most efficient in terms of money/substance, but it’s good for dumping extra resources for a bit of cash. Uses importers, so be careful as the importer bug may occur.

Rods No Importers

A rod producing build. Ching’s improved version of Patytseng’s design. All paty has to do was add one grabber and he could have held the crown. Moral of the story, when uploading a build, make sure someone can’t one-up you on it.

Steel Barrel With Importers

A barrel build. A variation on the steel plates design. Self contained despite using importers, also provides you with some by-products **Size:**12x12 **Material:**Substance **Rate:**70.86 **Material:**Steel Barrel **Rate:**3.75 **Reliability:**Stable **Material:**Iron **Rate:**0.84

Steel Chains No Importer

A build that creates steel chains from scratch. Actually doesn’t use that much substance in the grand scheme of things. **Size:**12x12 **Material:**Substance **Rate:**45 **Material:**Steel Chains **Rate:**3.34 **Reliability:**Minor Instability

Steel Gear With Importers

A steel gets based on the on the Steel plate design. Self contained despite using importers. Also makes some by-products. **Size:**12x12 **Material:**Substance **Rate:**66.72 **Material:**Steel Gear **Rate:**8.87 **Reliability:**Stable **Material:**Steel **Rate:**1.39 **Reliability:**Stable

Steel Pipes No Importers

A steel pipes build. Uses relatively low amount of substance **Size:**12x12 **Material:**Substance **Rate:**45 **Material:**Steel Pipe **Rate:**1.67 **Reliability:**Stable

Steel Pipes With Importers

A steel pipes build. All steel is imported, so make sure you have a backup supply. Uses lots of grabbers. **Size:**12x12 **Material:**Steel plates Rate:23.33 **Material:**Steel pipes Rate: 7.73 **Reliability:**Stable

Steel Plate With Importers

A steel plate build. Is is self contained despite using importers. It is stable and you should never run out of input materials. On the plus side, you get some bonus resources in the form of steel and carbon.

Steel Rod With Importers

A rather complicated build for making Steel rods. Uses Importers, so some people may want to stay away. However, due to the way it was made, there were no hiccups throughout testing.

Sulfuric Acid no Importers

**Size:**12x12 **Material:**Substance **Rate:**77.15 **Material:**Sulfuric Acid **Rate:**0.56 **Reliability:**Stable

Sulphuric Acid No importers

Build which makes sulphuric acid, doesn’t make a ton due to the amount of resources needed to make said suplphuric acid

Underwell Level 1-2

A “Guns Blazing” Underwell build. And yes, you read that right, I SharkyTheWhale, self proclaimed and acting senior editor of this website has finally contributed something. Cheers. Honour>Results FTW Note from Ap0them mucking around in the back: This is unprecidented and we need to save this event, it may not happen again

Underwell Level 3

Uses 3 resonators, producing 1.5 everstone/second. The result of me messing with overloading a single turret with ammo, and then realizing I could ise that to make a cool build



Thanks for all the help!

  1. SharkyTheWhale
  2. patytseng
  3. ChingChangMoney
  4. DarkMatterMat
  5. Tangy
  6. omfgcookies
  7. Ap0them